International Consultation : +6282219788877
Bapak Bobon Santoso
Mr. Bobon Santoso

Feel lucky to choose @emporioarchitect for private house projects.

Gilang Dirga
Mr. Gilang Dirga

The idea comes from us, Emporio perfects it and pours it into the design. In fact, some of our ideas that we haven't found yet can be made. Very helpful from the beginning.

Ibu Alina Ramsay
Mrs. Alina Ramsay

Even though we are far away, the results are still satisfying. Can we make our home design as good as this good job. Always popular in Indonesia and in foreign countries.

Bapak Made Artana
Mr. Made Artana
(Owner Primakara School)

Very good. I am proud of my home design made by Emporio Architects.
Much praised by guests who come to the house.

Bapak Alex P Chandra
Mr. Alex P Chandra
(Owner Bank Lestari)

With a building area of +/- 180 m2 you can design a special & luxury.
Good job Emporio!

Mrs. Danya
Mrs. Danya

You are the most professional team I have ever worked with. And I say that because it is true.
Thank you so much for helping us design our dream house.

Ibu Yuyun
Mrs. Yuyun

Thank you very much @emporioarchitect very satisfied with the design, the team is friendly and okay.

Ibu Tika Pati
Mrs. Tika
(Pati, Jawa Tengah)

We thank Emporio and the entire team for helping to realize the design of our house... the explanation from the team was quite clear, also professional and the results were satisfactory.

  • Miscommunication and sloppiness often occur during the development
  • Overspending during the development
  • The building’s display does not meet the expectations
  • Structural error that causes the possibility for the building to collapse
  • The contractor or builders do not have a clear guide
  • Property is far from cozy
  • The building is finished carelessly
  • Property becomes dark, moisture, and unhealthy
  • Waste of money, time, and energy due to constant re-constructing
  • Untidy spatial arrangement
  • Expensive to develop, yet fail to attract buyers due to unattractive display
  • The owner tends to be easily tricked without the necessary drawings
  • Get 3d Interior, 3d Video, And Budget Plan
  • Multi-Layered Quality Control
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Design Implementation Guaranteed
  • Safer Structural Plan
  • Free Consultation & Introductory Virtual Meeting
  • Optimizable For Small Or Large Land
  • Coordination Assistance During The Development
  • Spacious Rooms with Bright Natural Lighting
  • Adopting Coziness Of A Five-Star Resort
  • Serving Globally All Over The World
  • World Class Style Choices



Client Emporio Architect
Client Emporio Architect


Media Review 1
Media Review 2


Kuliah Umum


  Last updated: July 1, 2024

Emporio Architect is a company an architecture consultancy that provides professional architectural services for luxury houses, residential, or commercial properties, including exclusive villa design, elite cluster/residential design, luxury residential, minimalist residential, apartment design, star hotel design, luxurious resort design, and many others.

Emporio Architect also provides house design creations with style tweaks for minimalist houses, luxury houses, growing houses, one-story houses, two-story houses, three-story houses, and even four-story houses, including Foreign style, Modern Style, Classic style, Tropical, Industrial, Mediterranean, American, Moroccan, Scandinavian and more.

Emporio Architect, which has physical offices that are spread in several cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bali & Balikpapan is able to serve offline with direct meetings or 100% virtual in every region in Indonesia and globally. Emporio Architect also provides interior design services for your gorgeous house.

Properties such as houses or other commercial buildings are long-term investments with a very high value. Without proper planning, the properties can instead cause huge losses and even lifelong regrets.

Along with the rapid development of the country's economy, the values of houses and residentials also rapidly increase from time to time alongside the growing number of requests. Therefore, this is the time to plan that dream house with Emporio Architect. The faster, the better before the materials and properties prices take inflation.

Care to find out what are the disadvantages if the house is built without architectural services? Read here for more: Why Do You Need Architectural Services? Why Do You Need Architectural Services?.


Contact Us
You can contact us via Phone / Whatsapp / Email / Order Form.
Our team will provide a price proposal / design cost.
After the proposal is approved, the team will start the design process according to the results of the discussion.
After the design is finished, we will send all the files and technical drawing to your address.
1. Experienced 18 Years and Trusted in Handling Over 2180 Client Projects Worldwide

For more than 18 years, Emporio Architect is not only focused on the design aesthetics but also on the safety and comfort of its inhabitants. Carried by an artistic sense and supported by advanced technology, Emporio Architect has successfully created design masterpieces that are widely selected and trusted by thousands of families in Indonesia and beyond.

The 2180 and continuously growing number of designs created by Emporio Architect show endless consistency and focus in providing tireless and maximum services to hand over the architecture designs.

Clients that have repeatedly ordered and recommended Emporio Architect's designs to their families and colleagues prove their satisfaction with Emporio Architect's creations and services. All of our client's testimonials can be seen here: Clients Testimonial.

It's time for you to join a long list of Emporio Architect's elite clients that include Politicians, Entrepreneurs, Contractors, Property Developers, Directors, Commissioners, Start-up Owners, Mentors, Conglomerates, Traders, Investors, Celebrities, and even Royal House from the neighbor countries have chosen Emporio Architect to be their trusted architect.

2. Emporio Fine Home Philosophy

The Philosophy of Fine Home and a Touch of a Luxury Villa Blend Beautifully to your Dream Home

The standard level of comfort for every homeowner is diverse, but who can deny the enjoyment of having a vacation in exotic places like Bali, Maldives, or Santorini? Even better, what if we bring it into the house where the homeowner can feel the vibes of vacation daily?

Every single one of our architects truly understands and has done thorough research to find out what most urban homeowners look for to achieve happiness, and the answers are health, safety, prosperous, tranquility, togetherness, joyfulness, peace of mind, full stomach, sleeping soundly, purposeful, life achievements, and you get the idea. Those aspects can be optimized with a plan, a plan for your future palace.

3. Emporio Healthy Life Experience

Design that Prioritizing Health

Emporio Architect knows well that there are aspects that affect the decreasing level of health in society. Starting from the lifestyle, rarely exercising, bacteria and virus causes, air pollution and others.

Then, how do our architects bring a healthy villa nuance if the air isn't suitable to come into the house through the openings? Our architects have the answer to this challenge by creating big and wide Sliding/Folding type of doors that can be easily opened in the morning while the air is healthy and fresh and can be fully shut at noon and night to switch using an Air Conditioner (A Hybrid Concept).

Heightening the ceilings, as it turns out, is not always effective in reducing the heat level in urban areas. Therefore, a hybrid concept is more fitting to be applied for houses in the urban area with the height of the ceiling that won't burden the electricity usage for the air conditioner.

Glass doors and windows create access for natural lighting to come and prevent moisture and mold, which is proven to be effective in eliminating bacteria, mold, and viruses. If needed, our architects will create an elegant hand-wash basin design to be used before entering the house.

Our architects are also able to design a fitness area in the tour house. Therefore, there will be no more excuses for not going to the gym. If you have quite spacious land, our architects are also able to design a jogging track, basketball court, badminton court, tennis court, and futsal court privately in your house.

4. Emporio Secure Life Experience

Design that Increasing Safety

Our architects are fully capable of designing the gate that matches the building's exterior with a safe and secure height level. The architects will also elevate the floor level by a minimum of 1-meter from the public street to prevent floods and also elevate the basement level to be on par with the public street and the floor level to be on par with the top floor.

The purpose is to prevent unpredictable floods and to increase safety and privacy even with many wide window and door openings.

In addition, our team of structural experts will ensure the strength of the house's structures with well-calculated precision based on the conditions of the soil. The homeowners' safety is all that matters.

5. Emporio Togetherness Booster

Design that Bonding Experience Like Never Before

Emporio Architect organizes the living area to the style of a villa with minimum partitions and combines multiple areas to function as one with spaciousness and relief to create a more intense bonding experience.

When the mother is preparing a meal in the dry kitchen, the father is reading a newspaper or scrolling on an iPad in the dining area, the big brother is in the gym area doing exercises, and the little one is playing a PlayStation game in the living area, everyone can still communicate between one another without losing focus on their activities and hobbies.

Especially if there is a folding door in the living area that can be fully opened to the facing a fish pond or swimming pool that comes equipped with a BBQ area and gazebo in the backyard area, it will result in a combination of an ultra-spacious, super-cozy, and family warmth-feeling indoor and outdoor space.

All of those areas will have direct access to the dry kitchen and dining area, where the whole family can share a meal with a smile. Togetherness will be much more complete with delicious food, beverages, and snacks on the table. May every day and every weekend of yours with the family be filled with meaningful interactions.

6. Emporio Performance Booster

Design that Leading Toward prosperity, career, and achievements

Prosperity is one of the life purposes of every family. Can Emporio Architect help a family to achieve that? Directly helping, no. However, from what our architects understand, experience, and realize, the truest ways to achieve prosperity are affected by health, education, prayers, efforts, and charity.

Our team is open to contributing to every aspect that helps our clients to achieve prosperity through our design plans. To put it into an example, our architects are able to create a refreshing workspace or fun study room that increases the willingness to work or study and reach the potential life success in the future.

7. Emporio Happiness Enhancer

Design that Bringing Endless Happiness

Being happy often refers to doing your hobbies. Emporio Architect will put an extra effort to bring your hobbies closer to you, literally. If your family and yourself love watching movies, but the movie theater is miles away, our architects will bring the movie theater to your home through an entertainment room or home theater equipped with Netflix and a Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound setup.

Not only a home theater, our architects are also able to design a karaoke room, basketball court, badminton court, futsal court, tennis court, billiard room, mini golf court, poker area, or gaming area with PlayStation, Xbox, Gaming PC or mobile gaming area to spend time with friends.

8. Emporio Pride Riser

Design that Living Beyond Proud

Houses should be more than just a place to sleep, and houses should also personify the homeowner's character, soul, and achievement. Do you want to be judged as a cheap and tasteless homeowner? Or do you want to be seen as a homeowner with classy taste, elegant, and know what comfort and the meaning of home truly is?

Houses are the homeowners' trophies that characterize the success and achievements, which will also be a place to share joy and love with the family for years and decades to come. So, be an inspiration for others. Let us help because your proudness is ours as well.

9. Emporio Comport & Peace Experience

Design that Deepening Tranquility and Comfort

When life gets constantly stressful with endless problems, building a stressless house with relaxing facilities to keep control of the mental health should be one of the options to explore, not just for the homeowner but the whole family.

The greenest garden with the house water fountain or the water flow on the wall is one of the features that will bring a soothing ambiance to the house. It will be much better with an outdoor fish pond or indoor aquarium filled with bonsai trees and natural stones.

Natural stones and a garden don't only function in the yard or outdoor area but also function indoors as decorations to create a biophilic impression that can be adjusted to the building's style of your choosing.

A comfortable home is a show of affection and cares toward the family. Our architects adopt villa-style houses that are usually common to be found in Bali (the land where our founder and principle was born and consumed knowledge), where comfort and tranquility are the main purposes to achieve when building the house.

10. Design that Developing Relationship with God

If the land and situations are fitting, Emporio Architect is also able to create more than just a design but also create a "lifestyle in harmony" to grow the homeowner's harmonious relationship with Society, Nature, and God. The home will be luxuriously filled with a prayer room or area. It doesn't matter what the belief is.

The presence of God in life is a streamline to get through any kinds of problems because the mighty has all the answers, but we, humans, tend to be forgetting. Therefore, let's return to the gleaming light of blessing and let the miracle find its way back to us.

Developing Relationship with God
11. Design that Developing Relationship with Society

How do you reflect on your relationship with others? Do you have any unhealed scars? Are those unhealed scars caused by the closest people around you? It's time to be honestly opening up and fixing it.

It could start with the simplest of steps, such as dining together or spending quality time in the dining area, living area, or cozy backyard. If it's your loved one, you can perfect your day by having a quality pillow talk on a king-size bed with a delicate air conditioner, warm bedroom lighting, and a super-cozy bed and pillows. Clean your bed from all the wardrobes and place them nicely in an elegant walk-in closet to keep the bed area clean and neat.

Tighten your relationship with your circles and invite them once in a while for a BBQ in your backyard and talk about all the life-changing ideas for the future.

12. Design that Developing Relationship with Nature

Taking great care of nature is our responsibility as humans, including the place to build a house. To support that, our architects are able to present a beautiful garden with tropical plants that soothes the eyes and refreshes the ambiance. It's best to spare space to stare at the shining stars at night. Connect with nature while looking at the uncountable stars and realize how small we all are, and so are all our problems in this world.

Use your home as a place to strengthen these three relationships. These unique concepts will create positive energy that pushes the homeowner to achieve meaningful and Scintillating life purposes.

13. Optimizable for Small and Large Land

The larger the land is, obviously, the easier to design. However, Emporio Architect understands that every type of land is becoming more and more expensive each day, and not everybody can afford to buy the largest land. Fortunately, Emporio architect's designs are optimizable for both small and large land. It can be done by optimizing the vertical zone of the building or multi-leveling the house with elegance and the villa-like nuance of the house still intact. The spatial will also be neatly designed as relief, spacious, functional, elegant, and cozy as possible.

14. Serving Globally and 100% Virtually

Emporio Architect is able to serve the clients through direct meetings at one of our offices, home visitation (visitation charges applied), or meetings 100% virtually from start to finish.

If you want a simple, cost-saving, and practical way, virtual consultation is very recommended. The majority of our clients rarely had the needs to meet directly by virtue of advanced technology that has become a defining factor. Clients can now consult while relaxing and drinking a cup of coffee or two at home.

15. Elegantly Distinctive Style Choices

Emporio Architect offers tropical style exoticism that best fits clients that live in tropical and subtropical situated countries with spatial spaciousness, brightness, and minimum partitions between rooms. Clients will have the freedom to choose a variety of high-class and elegant tropical styles combined with some of the popular styles in the world that have been perfected.

The variety of styles that can be chosen are as follows:

  1. Modern Tropical
  2. Klasik Tropical
  3. Mediteran Tropical
  4. Villa Bali Tropical
  5. American Classic
  6. Scandinavian
  7. Minimalist
  8. Industrial
  9. Javenese Joglo Villa
  10. Moroccan Style
  11. Colonial Tropical
  12. Other Styles
16. No Limitations to Revise

Clients will have all the freedom to revise the design as long as it's logically acceptable, with the exception of changing the land area/measurement. In stage I, clients will be privileged with the freedom to revise the layout. In stage II, clients will be given permission to revise the building's display based on safe architectural and structural principles.

No Limitations to Revise
17. The Ultra-Realistic 3D Visualization

The purpose of 3D visualization is to understand how the building is going to look and stand before the development starts. Should there be any deficiencies in the 3D display, it can be revised instead of rebuilding the actual building from scratch.

The clients will be provided a 3D visualization with scale, and measurement precision, resulting in a combination between accurate calculation and artistic taste in art.

18. Design's Implementation is Guaranteed

Emporio Architect has all the experience in the subtleties of technical development and all problems that often occur at the development site. The problems might include land's slope, land too small, flawed soil conditions, over-limit spatial requirements from the available space, the chosen style doesn't match the budget, privacy problems with the neighbors, and so on. These problems will be considered beforehand. Our team will quickly inform the clients if one of the requests will create a technical issue.

Our architects apply aesthetic value elevation without interrupting the structure, which often causes development failures.

Therefore, every design includes a structural technical drawing created by experienced structural experts. The design is 100% guaranteed able to be implemented and developed.

19. 4-Tier Architects in One Project

Emporio Architect is a team full of synergy and backup in creating solutions to current or future problems in designing a building.

The communication in every project will be conducted with ease using the WhatsApp Group consisting of the Main Principle, Second Principle, Head Architect, and Architect (4 Architects involvement in 1 Project). Additionally, the WhatsApp group also consists of Customer Care if you want to give feedback and suggestions or complaints).

The Architect Team consists of University and College graduates with the right knowledge base and years of experience. With a commitment to always providing quality and professional service, Emporio Architect is the right choice as a partner to give you life-long satisfaction.

20. Excellent Service Standards

Emporio Architect also provides clear service standards. Starting from the clearest procedure of ordering our architectural services, design creation procedures, calculating the design's costs, procedures and payment stages, procedures in submitting the drawing, items that will be obtained by the client, inclusivity, exclusivity, and others.

Clients will be provided a quotation fee from the beginning of the consultation and before entering the payment stages for clearer thoughts regarding the total fee that will be charged. There will be no hidden charges. For further consultation, please contact us immediately.

21. Based-on-Demand Design Plan

If the clients want to create a design in accordance with their demands without any budget blockage, this might be the best feature. Our architects will do their best to create the most spectacular design that will last a lifetime. Based on demand design plan is most suitable to emphasize maximum spatial layout with the best selection of materials. As long as budgeting issues are off the table, this feature will be automatically activated by default.

That means the clients have all the freedom to make their house feel like a 7-star resort with facilities that won't be available anywhere else but their home. Facilities like a helipad, fast-car or retro-car gallery for their Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, or Bugatti, a charging station for their Tesla or Hummer EV, an elevator or escalator, smart house systems, private waterfall or lake, gigantic pillar covered with marble, everything, literally everything, can be put into the design.

It's all possible, but it may take more time and extra charges to transform your home into a mansion.

22. Structural Plan Included

Structural drawings are very important as fundamental drawings for a building. Without structural drawings, architectural drawings cannot be applied correctly and even tend to endanger residents. Therefore, we do not separate architectural drawing packages with structural drawings in the package.

It does make the cost slightly higher and the processing time longer, but the safety of our clients is what matters the most. The drawing clients will get already includes structural drawings made by Experienced Structural Experts based on land data. The safety of your building is undoubtedly the most important.

Structural Plan Included
Standardized MEP Plan Included
23. Standardized MEP Plan Included

Clients will also get plan drawings of light points, switches, sockets, ac points, installations of clean water, dirty water, rainwater, wastewater, cold water, hot water, septic tank, and infiltration points.

24. Budget Plan Include

After all the drawings have been finished, our team will create a Budget Plan at the final stage as an estimation of the total cost according to the volume of the building and the materials used. The Budget Plan can also be used as a document for an executing tender (construction service auction).

Budget Plan Include
25. Free 3D Interior Suggestions

In addition to designing the Spatial and Exterior Layout, Emporio Architect also provides furniture layout arrangements during the making of the floor plan. This will make a clearer understanding of the position of the furniture. We also provide 3D Interior Suggestions at the final stage as our special inclusive. These Interior Suggestions can help the clients in buying a variety of furniture that suits the theme of the selected building style.

N.B: The 3D Interior suggestions do not include detailed interior/furniture drawings. Should clients need a detailed and revised interior design, it is much better to order the whole interior package House Design Services + Interior Design Services.

26. Consultation Assistance During Construction

During the construction period, even if you have received complete technical drawings according to the scope of our professional expertise, our Architect Team and Internal Civil Team are ready to provide further consultation during the construction process until your building is completed properly.

Coordination Assistance During the Development


Desain Rumah Modern 2 Lantai Bapak Abarham di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan

There are many more benefits that you can get if you use the services of an Emporio Architect in building your dream house or dream house:

  • More than 1000+ Design Portfolios
  • Buildings can be planned according to your wants and needs
  • Your idea can be visualized close to real
  • If your idea turns out not to be implemented, it can still be revised
  • Room position is more organized
  • Building style can be adjusted according to taste
  • The shape of the building is more aesthetic or has artistic elements
  • With a good layout, optimize the existing space and a beautiful appearance, the selling value of the building increases
  • Circulation and lighting are better planned so as to make property more comfortable
  • A well-planned building sells better if it is sold
  • With design drawings, you and the contractor have references and detailed size in construction
  • The contractor will find it easier, faster and more accurate in calculating the RAB because all the details are clear
  • Minimizes errors when working on buildings
  • Can be used as a guide to control or supervise the implementation team or contractors

A house is the most important place for the family. Your soul is reflected in the house. House is the place to start planning every step of life. Be certain to choose a professional architect that has a wide portfolio of the best house designs and has been renowned with high quality and experience as your partner in planning the dream house and property design for your own safety, comfort, and satisfaction to elevate the quality of life.


F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)


Emporio Architect is an Architecture Services Company that provides services in designing private houses, luxury houses, modern Balinese houses, exclusive houses, villas, residential, shophouses, boarding houses, apartments, and many more.


A. For architecture services, Clients are required to provide complete information regarding the following information:

  1. Land Location and Land Size / Dimensions (scan/softcopy of land measurement results), including Building Lines boundaries that are allowed to be built (optional).
  2. Design style or preferred House Style (Classic, Modern, Tropical, Contemporary, and other style based on Client’s request.)
  3. Spatial requirements in detail. Example:
1st Floor 2nd Floor
  1. 1 Master Bedroom
  2. 1 Master Bathroom
  3. 1 Master Bedroom’s Walk-in Closet
  4. 2 Public Bathroom
  5. 1 Maid Room
  6. 1 Maid Bathroom
  7. 1 Living Room
  8. 2 Family Room
  9. 1 Dining Room
  10. 1 Dry Kitchen
  11. 1 Wet Kitchen
  12. 1 Storage
  13. 1 Laundry & Drying Area
  14. 4-Car Garage
  15. 2-Car Carport
  16. Swimming Pool
  1. 3 Kids Bedroom + Bathroom
  2. 1 Guest Bedroom
  3. 1 Public Bathroom
  4. 1 Study Room
  5. 1 Workspace
  6. 1 Mushola/Prayer Area
  7. 1 Movie Room/Home Cinema
  8. 1 Karaoke Room
  9. 1 Gym
  10. 1 Rooftop + Gazebo
  11. Front Balcony
  12. Rear Balcony

B. For interior services, Clients are required to provide complete information regarding the following information:

  1. Clients are required to inform the fixed layout of the building’s design or existing building
  2. If Clients don’t have the layout or 3D, a survey is needed or hire local drafters to measure the spaces. Windows, doors, etc.
  3. Clients are required to inform the sample or the reference3s of the chosen interior model.

Compared to house designs in general, Emporio Architect’s Luxurious villa-style houses usually take time about:

  1. House Architecture Design: 2-6 months (depending on the number of revisions from the clients since the revision is unlimited)
  2. House Interior Design: 2-3 months (2 revisions max)
  3. House Architecture + Interior Design: 4-8 months
  4. Hotel, Resort, Apartment, Elite Residential, and Other Commercial Property Designs: 4-12 months

Emporio Architect, since many years ago, has been used with the virtual meeting protocol, which means the whole designing process in any country in the world can be finalized without face-to-face meetings. All that’s needed are E-mail and phone number.

As the year progresses, the technology also becomes more sophisticated that can be utilized, such as WhatsApp group, Telegram group, Teamviewer, Discord, Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Google Hangout, and so on, which have been a huge help to support and spread our services throughout the globe 100% virtually. Clients are also given the advantage due to much advanced 3D software that’s able to give preview accuracy and realism before the building is developed.

Technology to measure the land has also become unconventional a long time ago since the theodolite is GPS-supported, which means the clients only need to hire the land surveyor services (third-party) to acquire accurate measurement results. The measurement’s result then will be submitted to the architect via E-mail or WhatsApp Messenger for further examination. It’s much easier to draw the design if the topography/land measurement data is available.

The Client can also utilize the GPS share location feature on WhatsApp, and our architect can utilize Google Maps and Google Street View to conduct a virtual survey on the exact site without actually visiting the site. The architect can also see the surroundings using a satellite. Yup, like in spy movies.

Emporio Architect provides unlimited revisions on the layout and 3D as well. Therefore, you shouldn’t be worried if the concept doesn’t fit your desire. You can also revise it while relaxing at home or even while on a family vacation. Quite straightforward, isn’t it?


Emporio Architect Office
Now it's your turn to make your family happy by planning House Design that is Healthy, Safe, Beautiful & Comfortable
Syahrul Dwi Andrian, Amd
Dwi Pratiwi, S.Ars
I Gusti Agung Ayu Chandra Devi, S.Ars
Aarles Sumarten, S.S.

Telp. International:

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Jakarta Office

DBS Bank Tower Lantai 28, Ciputra World, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5 Jakarta 12940

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Bali Office

PERUM Piakan Indah Mesari No. 18A, Jalan Piakan I, Batubulan, Kec. Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80582

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Bandung Office

Menara Asia Afrika Lantai 9 Regus Office No. 918, Jalan Asia Afrika No. 133-137, Bandung 40112

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Yogyakarta Office

Jl. Sagan Kidul No.14, Terban, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223

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Surabaya Office

Pakuwon Center Lantai 23, Jl. Embong Malang 1-5, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60261

Google Map Emporio Architect Surabaya

Semarang Office

Gedung Menara Suara Merdeka Lt. 11, Jalan Pandanaran No. 30, Pekunden, Semarang Tengah, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50241

Google Map Emporio Architect Semarang

Balikpapan Office

Panin Tower Floor 8th, Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.7, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76113

Google Map Emporio Architect Balikpapan

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